Schedule an appointment.

The first step is to book an appointment with us.


1. Determine if Parallel Financial Advisors is right for you.

In our first meeting, we’ll identify your prioritized goals, mutually establish what you can expect from us, and help determine if our partnership is a good fit.


2. Allow us to create your customized financial plan.

After our first meeting, we'll take a deeper dive into your situation. As we have a more detailed conversation about your personal and financial goals, we'll start creating a customized plan. The more open and transparent this phase is, the more detailed our plan will be.


3. We execute the plan for you.

Now that we have a plan, it’s time to execute. Your plan will address the areas that are most important to you, and outline the steps to overcome obstacles and accomplish your goals. Your plan will also aim to grow your wealth in a solid, tax efficient manner.


4. We monitor and adjust on an ongoing basis.

Life is constantly changing, and your goals will too. When new priorities lead you towards different approaches to wealth management and savings, we'll be here to adapt your plan so it transitions along with you.


Schedule an Appointment Now